Sunday, July 26, 2009

The boy next door and the boy on stage

Hello LOA Friends,

Have you ever been invited to go to a childs birthday party and it just really wasn't at the top of your list of things to do? Not that I don't love the family throwing it, not that I don't realize how much TaylorRae will enjoy it, and not that I don't know there are always amazing things that come out of meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends...but sometimes it takes a bit of self talk to get me to actually go.

This weekend was no different....

But first a little history. Last Sunday Charles and I were at the 11:00am service at The Unity Center where Rev. Wendy Craig-Purcell shared some metaphysical lessons using the story of David & Goliath. Her topic was "handling the tough stuff" and it was fantastic. One thing I took from that lesson was, "When love meets fear, fear disolves."

Towards the end of service there is always a closing song. About half way thru the song a little boy about 2 years old with a guitar strapped to his body comes up on stage and starts jammin on his guitar! His mouth was singing the words and at the end of the song where it really gets into it, you should have seen this little guy...he was rocking his guitar like I've never seen. IT WAS AWESOME and the whole place absolutely fell in love with this 2.5 foot star.

I noticed that the drummer was communicating with him right after his performance so I figured that he was the proud daddy of this boy. I never forgot him and our hearts were just beaming after seeing this little performer in action.

Ok back to this weekend...TaylorRae had been invited to a 4 year-old boy's birthday party up in Ramona. Evan the birthday boy and little Alec the 2 year old used to be our next door neighbors and they moved away about 6 months ago. We decided to go.

(Evan the birthday boy in front, TaylorRae right behind him and Alec to the right.)

On the way to the party I'm asking the universe..."Why are we going to Ramona for a 4 year old's party?" Oh yeah ..for the people. To see old friends and to meet new ones ..OK. Cool.
We show up and it's really nice to see this Gaby & Steve and the boys and all their relatives too. We've been at the party for maybe 30-45 mins and I've already met some great women Tina, Alison, and Michelle.

Then I'm standing in the kitchen and who walks into the kitchen?? The drummer from The Unity Center! I say, "Wait I totally know're the drummer at my church!" He says, "Yes, my name is Toby." "Oh my gosh and you're the daddy of that amazing boy that came on stage last Sunday!!!" "Yes and he's (Lucas) here along with my wife (Alexis), want to meet them?" "Are you kidding? Of course!"

I go outside and there he is....adorable. I go up to him and in the warmest voice I can muster

I say, "Hello Lucas! I saw you on stage last Sunday!"
He says, "Yeah" and smiles.

I say, "You make me want to play guitar!"
He says, "Yeah"

I say, "It is soooooo great to meet you! give me 5"
He says, "Yeah"(And he high 5's me)

(Yep this is Lucas)

I know this might not seem like a big deal, but this boy is soooo special, the love is just pouring out of him and I can feel it. Wow...This experience is really filling my heart with so much joy I'm having a hard time finding the words to express it.

Then I meet Lucas's mommy, Alexis. My sister from another mother I swear. We connected so instantly that the time flew by and I don't think we could get to know each other fast enough. What a blessing meeting the whole family. I am soooooo glad that Gaby and Steve threw this great 4th birthday party for the their son Evan because if they didn't I would have had to wait longer to meet my new friends.

Today at TUC 11:00 am service when I saw Toby, Alexis and Lucas it put a smile is my heart. What a difference between meeting someone and having a connection and not meeting someone. Really an amazing feeling.

(Alexis & Liza)

Alexis you are an amazing spirit and I'm sooooo thrilled to have met you and your family. I'm excited for the future, I just know we were meant to meet.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Placing our orders with the Universe...

Hello my LOA friends,

I have been so excited all day to get to my Design Center tonight for some peace and quiet so I could blog. Having no idea what I would blog about I knew I would think of something cool. As it turns out, I didn't have to. When I came to work tonight there was a message on my answering machine that I have to share.

First a little background...

As you know I own a company called, Fit n Hip Wear. Dec of 2007 I expanded my manufacturing space from 750 sq ft to over 2000 sq ft and because we do both clothing and USANA we call it, "Wellness & Wardrobe."
Maybe my timing could have been a little better. Didn't know then we were already heading into a recession. I signed a 5 year lease and took the leap of faith that I was doing the right thing. There wasn't a peach-fuzz on my body telling me otherwise.

I made it thru til last Sept/Oct of 08 with above average sales and then I really started to feel the change in the economy. By Nov 08 I'm asking for a rent reduction and wondering what my options are. They reduce my rent for 6 months no problem, I'm a great tenant and have always paid on time, so they were totally awesome and worked with me.

By Mar 09, I'm basically down to me and 2 other girls part-time from 10 at our busiest time.

Here is a photo of the team Dec 2007. TaylorRae was in charge of fabric scraps. :)

By April 09 I'm getting pretty nervous and know I need to do something. So I start placing my orders with the universe with intention. I know that I don't really need the big retail space I have, sure it's nice, but it's 500 sq ft with it's own bathroom that I could rent to a like-minded person to help cover the rent. Maybe someone into fabric design or because I've got a nice USANA display and mirror, maybe a yoga teacher or personal trainer or someone into health like a nutitionist could use the space. hmmmm.

I call all the east county craft, quilt, fabric, yoga and personal trainers that I know and see if anyone could use a space like mine. I even do an ad on Craigslist for a couple weeks. Nothing happened.....well that's relative...I couldn't see anything happening...but something was happening...I just had to be a little patient....

I come into work tonight and there is this gift from the universe on my message machine.

It goes something like this,

"Hello my name is Steve and I was at the Bradley Professional Building and saw your store. I am an acupuncturist and herbalist and am looking to rent a small space to do acupuncture work from lounge chairs. I do this now quite successfully in 2 others places in Santee, but need more space. I need one open room about 200-400 sq ft. What intrigued me about your place was that you have a sticker on your window that says, "Wellness." I thought I would call you first before calling the landlord to see if you have any extra space to rent to me."

OMG!!! I get so excited about stuff like this. I mean about placing your order with the universe....Thank you God. OK let me say that I haven't yet met him and not sure if everything is a match, but holy cow..just going from the message I feel amazing about it!! I will keep you posted in the comment section to let you know what happens.
What's happening with you?? Please comment and let me know! Be intentional with your orders and you'll be amazing and dazzled by the results.
xo your friend and so much more, Liza
